about publishers…


I am currently in the process of changing my distribution of eBooks to Draft2Digital, a distributor which filters them through to almost all ebooks publishers.

This means they may temporarily disappear from Amazon, though they will reappear in due course, once D2D have channeled them to Amazon. However, readers who get eBooks, or may have gotten them, from Smashwords, will still have immediate access to them and any updates. The same applies to all those outlets, book merchants and library borrow systems into which Draft2Digital channel their eBooks.

Print Books

Right now print books are only available through Amazon. This may change in due course; once I have checked out whether the Draft2Digital print book service is to my liking. If it is, there may be a print book transition as well. However, right now Amazon still has all the latest copies of my print books for sale..

Universal Book Links (UBLs)

A UBL, is one link that includes all the sales channels for buying a book . Each book has its own UBL which can be shared to a website, social mediar website, or anywhere a book is being promoted.

Over the next week or two, I am going toI add UBLs to all my books.

For example, here’s the UBL to Antoine’s Revenge. When you click it you’ll get a page for the book and all the places where you can buy it. Click on your own favorite source for eBooks and presto. 😉

NOTE: The UBL pages that appear when you click a UBL link, for some weird reason do not show Amazon links. 🙈🤷🏻‍♂️ However my eBooks are available on Amazon!