Louisa and Rick
a sexy 2020s Gen Y love story…
Ever since Louisa's been a teen she's dreamt of being swept away by a tall, blonde guy, with a deep voice, steel-blue eyes and a devastating smile on lips just waiting for her. Nothing over-muscled, mind you, for that's a bit too creepy for her. Everything else though should be where it ought to be; properly manscaped and above all with no beard!
Rick is none of that. He's definitely not over-muscled, but that's about all. He's just a finger's breadth smaller than Louisa-without-shoes, brown-eyed, with messy dark hair that's never seen a hairdresser, only the same trimmer Rick also uses, with a different setting, for the unshaped scruffy beard he applies it to when it becomes itchy; with very little care for appearance. His nose is just a tad too big; at least he thinks so. Apart from that, also in his own estimation, his face is symmetrical to the point of being boringly ordinary.
Louisa is exactly Rick's type. A face to kill for, hypnotizing dark brown eyes, lips he has to tear his eyes away from to break their spell.
Lust at first sight? Can't be love. He's just being a shallow prick and he knows it. Yet Louisa has is the one woman Rick will never be able to forget again after just a brief glimpse.
If only he weren't the kind of guy Louisa can look at, but whose very existence she will, and does, forget about a heartbeat later.
But then fate kind of throws both of them in each others' path…
Note: This is a romance. A modicum of danger elements only. Also, no mind-bending multiverse themes like in Continuity Slip or Seeking Emily. This novel was inspired by what’s sometimes called ‘true events’. I can’t be specific about those, to protect the identities of the people who inspired it. As is to be expected, I have taken extensive artistic liberty, though I have done my best to remain as true to their story as I can. Also , since the focus is on the romance, it contains more than just a smattering of love scenes, many of them with mildly explicit sexual elements.
For those completely out of their depths when faced with a story set in Australia and New Zealand: some maps.