The first novel in the Broken Infinities collection of stories, which also include Seeking Emily and Tomorrow’s Yesterdays.

Continuity Slip

Completely revised and updated 5th edition

From one moment to the next, the world just wasn't the same anymore. Not quite anyway, because it seemed to be merging with another, where Ray wasn't who he remembered, and where he was about to be framed for a murder he had no memory of having committed.
Was he going insane? But then what about Alyssa, whom he'd dragged from a burning car and who appeared to suffer the same hallucinations as he?
As the days pass, their old worlds slip away, merging into a new and frightening reality where nothing is as it was, and even what they find could be taken from them at any moment.

Note 1: Continuity Slip is my first novel exploring an alternative view of the nature of memory and its connection to a universe ruled by quantum processes. The original was published just before 2000. It has now been revised to take into account decades of computer technology development, quantum physics and cosmology research, including discoveries relating to 'Dark Matter’ by the James Webb telescope. However, now more than ever, at its core is a love story and reflection on how we depend on our connections with others.

Note 2: This novel contains love scenes with explicit sexual elements.

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