Body Leggers

Danielle (‘Danie’) Riley is a forensic statistician with the Seattle Police Department, who wants nothing more than help to bring bad people to justice. 

Right now, however, she needs help herself. Someone wants her for her body parts; and they’re very determined to get their hands on her, because she’s worth a lot of money for a new thriving underground 'body legging' business that’s spreading around the world like a disease, driven by ruthless individuals and governments alike.

Declan is a member of a close-knit secretive group calling themselves 'The Team'. When he chances upon Danie being targeted by the body leggers, he makes it his and the Team’s mission to take them down. Not just for Danie’s sake— though that would have been sufficient motivation for Declan.

But the pool of live human beings kept in a prison in a Middle Eastern kingdom is steadily growing, and the body legging business has already gained a solid foothold in the United States, helped by powerful politicians and criminal groups.

How can the Team rescue these people and expose the existence of the body leggers to the world, when this might force them to reveal themselves as well?

Already time is running out for at least one of the prisoners—and the would-be rescuers cannot afford to delay any longer or to make even the slightest mistake.

NOTE: This novel contains love scenes with mildly explicit sexual elements.

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BODY LEGGERS is a standalone novel, focusing on Danie and Declan. It is also the first in a series about the Team, its members, their lives and loves; as well as the problems they have to confront, as they do their best to remain true to their creed and guard the secret that makes them the targets of every governmental and criminal organization alike.